El boceto puede ser un fabuloso ejercicio para conocer y adentrarse en un nuevo lugar, conocer a gente local, o sencillamente la excusa para un nuevo viaje. Este sera un espacio para conocer Asia a través de algunos de mis bocetos, pasados y aquellos que están por hacerse, con explicaciones de los lugares que dibujo. Aqui os dejo el link de mi youtube sobre China y Asia. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD1dndUuw9nI7iph6uGSEug?view_as=subscriber
Saturday, 25 November 2017
Maan Cafe (Wuhan, China)
Packed with university students, Wuhan is the paradise for University people. As you can see its the biggest population here, cafes, streets, everywhere you can see them checking their Ipads, computers, and devices. This fact, must be drawn in Asia en Retazos.
Saturday, 11 November 2017
Guiyan the biggest temple in Wuhan
Guiyang temple is located in one of the three cities that compound Wuhan. Every weekend people go there to pray for good fortune, eat temple food or simply to watch the turtle's ditch, where they feed them and the overcrowded population of goldfish by throwing them crumb bread.This is my last sketch, and I havent drawn for a while due to my job and my other activity as a youtuber. The sketched took me about an hour. I like drawing with Chinese people around, because even If sometimes can be a bit chicky, they always bring to the table such as positive energy. In Japan I learned to sketch, but definitely my drawings are polish now by this passion and energy that you can find in the Middle Kingdom.
Saturday, 4 November 2017
Sketching people series. (Japan)
This was one of the first sketches I ever did about people, since that I made more.
Lately I have been
coloring my old people sketches in Japan. In the last few months I have been
starting to use watercolours with my ink sketches, so I thought It was a good
The page on the left are people drawn in Yokohama, the first one a young mother with her baby, second is a young salaryman and the third one is an old man reading the paper.
The second page, this one was inside of a small mcdonald in Tokyo at 2:00 o'clock, my friend Chris and me after drinking we went there to eat something, he entered at the same time of us, and after he finished his burguer, we suddenly realize that he felt sleep in that strange position, he should be really tired, I took a picture and I drew him because the position seemed physically impossible.
The next one is a young woman reading a book at Kinokuniya bookstore, the next is a woman taking a walk with her mini-dog, and the last one is a salaryman sleeping in the train.
The page on the left are people drawn in Yokohama, the first one a young mother with her baby, second is a young salaryman and the third one is an old man reading the paper.
The second page, this one was inside of a small mcdonald in Tokyo at 2:00 o'clock, my friend Chris and me after drinking we went there to eat something, he entered at the same time of us, and after he finished his burguer, we suddenly realize that he felt sleep in that strange position, he should be really tired, I took a picture and I drew him because the position seemed physically impossible.
The next one is a young woman reading a book at Kinokuniya bookstore, the next is a woman taking a walk with her mini-dog, and the last one is a salaryman sleeping in the train.
Friday, 20 October 2017
Sketching people in Yokohama park. (2011)
More people sketches,
on the left page trying to study some old people figure. On the right couple
and families. Some of them taken in on the spot in Yokohama, but some made after at
home from the pictures I took with my camera. More people sketches,
on the left page trying to study some old people figure. On the right couple
and families.
Tuesday, 3 October 2017
This sketch was done several years after I left Japan. It was the reproduction of the last picture I took from a place called Bentencho. I called it the ground Zero, since Bentencho was the first place I lived in Japan, and the last one I visited after the explosion of the second Fukushima nuclear plant in March of 2011. Bentencho is a polluted and gray area in Osaka full of small factories that throw small particles to the air. A rare spot in Japan that belongs more to China. But I have to say in Bentencho I was happy, I had good friends there, and people who understood my heart. In Bentencho I was reading all the time, specially science fiction authors like Aldiss, Ray Bradbury or Asimov, even I read there for first time 1984. Bentencho symbol was the Yodo River, a friend of mine and me we went sometimes to this section of the river to see its dark black and polluted waters, smoke tobacco and drink can coffee. For us, It was cool to be in Osaka, the places where parts of Solaris and Blade runner were shot. I spent in Osaka three years, and I called those years my wild times in Osaka. The book about my time in Japan still under construction, maybe still inside the waters of the Yodo river, or polish by China, but one day I will finish it, because there is a great story there.
Sunday, 1 October 2017
Saturday, 30 September 2017
El boceto misterioso de la ciudad Fenix de Hunan.
Buscando en Pinterest idilicas fotos de China, encontre una foto de este mitico lugar, y no pude resistir el abocetarla, el dibujo me hizo dejar la oficina por una hora, y respirar la calma que la foto me inspiraba. Resulta que ese lugar es Fenghuan, a tan solo dos horas del lugar en el que vivo, una antigua ciudad de Hunan, a pocos kilometros donde se rodo la escena de los dragones en Avatar. Se trata la de la ciudad del fenix de Hunan. Algun dia ire, para continuar el boceto pero ahora en carne y hueso.
Las estupas del Buda reclinado
Una vez me adentre en el templo del budha reclinado, y vi la gigantesca estatua, sabia que ahi no estaba el boceto. Demasiados turistas, y una imagen demasiado vulgar de la figura mitica de buda. Sin duda lo que me llamo la atencion de este conocido monumento de Bangkok fueron las estupas, una vez las vi me dije, aqui si hay un boceto, y un buen boceto. Mientras la gente en su mayoria chinos se apignaban en sacar fotos a la gran estatua, yo me afanaba en crear el laborioso boceto que me llevo una hora y media, alli mismo lo pase a tinta. Lo mas interesante de la experiencia es que los chinos que pasaban por alli, se quedaban mirando el boceto o se quedaban un rato a conversar. Jamas olvidare aquella humedad en pleno Enero, sin embargo al acabar el boceto recibi mi recompensa a modo de brisa refrescante. Para celebrar el trabajo me regale un sabroso curri verde en los restaurantes de alrededor.
Friday, 29 September 2017
El Templo del Buda de Jade
El templo del buda esmeralda se encuentra en la zona historica de Bangkok. Mi primer viaje a Thailandia tenia el ambicioso objetivo de hacer al menos 10 bocetos, uno por cada dia de los que estaria en Thailandia. Sin embargo, olvide que viajar a una nueva cultura es un torbellino de sabores, imagenes, sensaciones, que el cuerpo y la mente tardan en procesar. Al final me lleve tres bocetos, jamas deje Bangkok debido a un esgince cuando grababa mi primer video para mi blog "China en retazos. El esguince me mantuvo en el hotel, y al cuarto dia, me vi con fuerzas para visitar el Templo del buda esmeralda por rio. Fue una autentica aventura a la caza de este boceto que duraria un dia entero, Todo salio redondo, consegui montar en tuk tuk, encontrar el templo, encontrar el rio, probar las comidas locales y volver a casa. En Thailandia dibujar estos abigarrados templos budistas se me hizo facil, por que? no lo se, quizas por lo libiano de ese pais, donde el reposo es como un estado natural, todo parece placido, femenino, yo diria que organico, y es que es tal la calurosidad de este pais, que hasta los frios templos parecen estar llenos de vida. Sin duda el par de bocetos que hice en tailandia me supieron a poco, por lo que algun dia volvere a este candido y maravilloso pais.
Wednesday, 27 September 2017
Los tenderos de la libreria Kinokuniya.
I made this sketch seven years ago, I was in Yokohama's Kinokuniya bookstore when I realized how
organized were the shopkeepers, same cool costumes, always willing to help, and
always ready behind the counter, prepared for charging the costumers and dont
make them waiting too much in the queue, they were like warriors waiting for a
consumer army including myself.
Tuesday, 26 September 2017
El Barrio Chino de Yokohama
El boceto representa la puerta central de entrada al
Barrio chino de Yokohama, Según leo en mi guía DK dedicada a Japón, se trata
del barrio chino mas grande de todo Japón, en Yokohama viven alrededor de 2500
Esta se trata de la puerta mas famosa,
recordemos que hay unas cuatro puertas de entrada, cada una con diferentes
ornamentos y distintos colores, localizadas en los distintos puntos cardinales.
Cuando uno cruza cada una de estas
puertas de acceso algo cambia, uno tiene la sensacion de entrar en un lugar que
no es del todo Japon, ni tampoco China, sintiendose arrastrado por un sinfín de
colores, olores y sabores, y es que ir al Barrio Chino en Yokohama y no
sucumbir a la comida es imposible, las tentaciones son multiples, puestecillos
de bunuelos chinos, desde el famoso Nikkuman hasta choulompos, un delicioso
bunuelo relleno de caldo calentito que estalla en nuestras bocas, quemandonos
la lengua si uno no lo come despacio, y que decir de sus numerosos
restaurantes, aquí estan representados la cocina de distintas provincias de
china, innumerables platos y sabores, que puede enloquecer el paladar de mas de
En fin Una de las zonas mas famosas de
Yokohama, de visita obligada si uno viene por estos lares, ya que Yokohama es
precisamente famosa por su impresionante barrio chino, por supuesto que no es
igual que China, las calles, la comida, estan adaptadas al gusto japones,
calles limpias, comida poco aceitosa, camareros chinos que hablan japones, a
algunos ni se les nota acento chino, puesto que nacieron aqui.
Que si la comida es cara?, para nada,
un menu del dia con tres platos y postre nos puede costar 600 yenes, que son
unas 1000 pelas.
Lugares recomendados: por supuesto los
restaurantes, que estan en todas partes, hay puestecillos que te leen la mano,
tarot chino.
La mejor cafeteria se llama “El café”
, precisamente esta dibujada en el boceto, son las dos lucecillas que se ven
detras de la puerta, es pequena, confortable y con un café delicioso, desde
capuchino, expreso y mezclas con te, algo caro, 600 pelas un café, aunque eso
no impide para que siempre este abarrotada.
Para concluir decir que me quito el
sombrero ante la genialidad la de estos chinos, que plantan sus coloridas y
gastronomicas ciudades hasta en los rincones mas remotos y en perfecta
consonancia con el medio anfitrion, si hasta en Aberdeen, una de las ciudades
mas al norte de Escocia, en la cual vivi durante algunos lustros de mi vida
habia un barrio chino adaptado a aquel lugar, constaba de unas dos casuchas y
un triste puestecillo de comida china para llevar, barrio chino de lo mas
adecuado para una ciudad gris e industrial como Aberdeen, donde la gente cocina
poco y abunda la cultura del “Take away” en cambio el descomunal, policromico,
aseptico, colorido, soleado e impresionane Barrio chino de Yokohama va muy en
consonancia con esta bella ciudad y seria impensable en cualquier otro punto
del planeta.
Monday, 25 September 2017
My working years in
Osaka were finished, and with them my wildest time in Japan, the running ups
and downs in the arched streets of Osaka, my bicycle, my comrades, the charmy
familiar restaurants, the Kansai people, everything was left one rainy night
when I had to go to Tokyo for my new and better paid job.
Just in one day, my style of life changed dramatically, even If I was in the same country, soon I realized that Tokyo and Osaka were two different universes, Osaka was a concentrated space that was designed for bicycles, everybody rode them, and Tokyo a huge area, surrounded by dormitory towns, where life was unthinkable without the local trains and metros, Osaka was the chaos, with its crazy arcades, and chanels, people there lived freely in the messy streets and socialize in the pubs, restaurants, Isakayas and terraces, but Tokyo, was the order a busier metropoli, where people didnt speak too much to each others wore suits, and went to cafeterias,chain food shops, mostly alone, for studying, reading or playing games.
Soon I realized that in a highly populated and stressfull city like Tokyo It was Important to find a private public space, an own area to sit down after the job and rest from the commuting trains, the crowd and the asfalt, thats how I discovered Beckers, a wooden cafeteria located underneath's Fujisawa Station.
During two years, Beckers was my bubble, my oxigen tank, my bunker, my reading place my short scape from the multitudinous solitude of Tokio, every morning I get off the first train (I had to take three to get to my job!), and I fought against the crowd to reach Becker's door, once I entered in the place I was saved, the best English breakfast was waiting for me, a crunchy well made toast, fried bacon from the finest quality, scramble egg with some ketchup, and a tasted hot coffee in winter or a huge refreshing ice coffee in Summer, on Sundays I went there to read my favorite newspaper "The Japan Times" and to eat the burger menus, with chilli sauce, fried potatoes and ice cola.
But the best thing about Becker's was its location, just underneath of the train station, in front of the sotetsu line, in the middle of the busy crowd but protected from the crowd, inside the cafeteria everybody was relax, listening the classical music, but through the windows you could see the twisted faces running to catch the trains, trying to be in time for their jobs, jumping through the upstairs to reach the station, aahhhh at that time how good was to be inside Becker's.
Thanks Becker's for those tasted delicacies, specially the breakfast, the big ice coffees and overall for have given me a good break-time space during my time in Tokyo's jungle.
Just in one day, my style of life changed dramatically, even If I was in the same country, soon I realized that Tokyo and Osaka were two different universes, Osaka was a concentrated space that was designed for bicycles, everybody rode them, and Tokyo a huge area, surrounded by dormitory towns, where life was unthinkable without the local trains and metros, Osaka was the chaos, with its crazy arcades, and chanels, people there lived freely in the messy streets and socialize in the pubs, restaurants, Isakayas and terraces, but Tokyo, was the order a busier metropoli, where people didnt speak too much to each others wore suits, and went to cafeterias,chain food shops, mostly alone, for studying, reading or playing games.
Soon I realized that in a highly populated and stressfull city like Tokyo It was Important to find a private public space, an own area to sit down after the job and rest from the commuting trains, the crowd and the asfalt, thats how I discovered Beckers, a wooden cafeteria located underneath's Fujisawa Station.
During two years, Beckers was my bubble, my oxigen tank, my bunker, my reading place my short scape from the multitudinous solitude of Tokio, every morning I get off the first train (I had to take three to get to my job!), and I fought against the crowd to reach Becker's door, once I entered in the place I was saved, the best English breakfast was waiting for me, a crunchy well made toast, fried bacon from the finest quality, scramble egg with some ketchup, and a tasted hot coffee in winter or a huge refreshing ice coffee in Summer, on Sundays I went there to read my favorite newspaper "The Japan Times" and to eat the burger menus, with chilli sauce, fried potatoes and ice cola.
But the best thing about Becker's was its location, just underneath of the train station, in front of the sotetsu line, in the middle of the busy crowd but protected from the crowd, inside the cafeteria everybody was relax, listening the classical music, but through the windows you could see the twisted faces running to catch the trains, trying to be in time for their jobs, jumping through the upstairs to reach the station, aahhhh at that time how good was to be inside Becker's.
Thanks Becker's for those tasted delicacies, specially the breakfast, the big ice coffees and overall for have given me a good break-time space during my time in Tokyo's jungle.
Friday, 22 September 2017
Sunday, 17 September 2017
Tuesday, 11 July 2017
Thursday, 2 February 2017
Shinjuku (Tokyo)
Pues bien, empezamos el blog con la famosa estación de Shibuya, centro y matriz de Tokio, parada obligatoria de locales y foráneos. Aquí encontraremos desde las marcas y tiendas de ropa más famosas, hasta restaurantes de todo tipo, eso si, todo de lo más chic y moderno.
Shibuya es el símbolo de Tokyo, un enorme centro comercial en el que se va a consumir, nada de paseos tranquilos, o remoloneos, aquí el objetivo es luchar contra la multitud para llegar a la tienda o tiendas deseadas, como en el mejor de los videojuegos japoneses.
El boceto esta hecho justo en frente de la estación de JR, ahí tenemos el starbucks más pijo y famoso de Japón, donde podremos desde tomar un café, hasta leer un libro, o alquilar una peli, ya que ahí mismo se encuentra el videoclub más famoso de Japón, la gigantesca cadena de videoclubs Tsutaya.
Shibuya es también la imagen visual que los occidentales tenemos de Japón, aquellas gigantescas pantallas adosadas a los edificios tipo Blade Runner, imagen que ha quedado grabada en nuestras cabezas a través del cine, la Tv y los cómics, luego cuando uno esta aquí, se da cuenta que ni hay tantas pantallas, ni son tan gigantescas, más bien se pueden contar con los dedos de una mano, aparte del centro de Shibuya, pare usted de contar, Tokio es grande si, pero no es esa ciudad post-futurista tipo "Akira" que todos tenemos en mente, de hecho es un lugar bastante oscuro de edificios monótonos, con forma de caja de cerillas, tengamos en cuenta que los japoneses son bastante sobrios en cuanto al diseño del paisaje, muy al contrario de otras ciudades asiáticas, abarrotadas de neones y luces, con esto no quiero decir que Shibuya o Tokyo no sean un sitios impresionantes, lo son, pero más que por su modernidad, lo que impresiona esta en su poder de concentrar almas, unidas por el mero deseo de consumir, Shibuya es como un océano de gente en la que uno es literalmente engullido. .
Hablando de Akira, aquí pongo un enlace al youtube, ésta es una de las mejores escenas de la película, posiblemente basada en la estación de Shibuya, una Shibuya irreal y futurista en todo caso, pero una escena, junto con la pelicula que impacto a toda una generación, la mía. Todavía recuerdo la cara de idiotas que se nos quedo a mis colegas y a mí cuando la vimos en mi video casero jvc, alla por el principio de los noventa, si mal no recuerdo, algo cambió en nosotros despues de ver Akira, el video está en japonés con subtitulos al inglés, disfrutadlo:
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