Saturday, 27 January 2018

My last rainy day in Changsha, (Hunan)

It was a rainy day, I was dating this pretty Chinese from Changsha capital of Hunan. Two hours from the dark region of Hubei, Changsha people are shorter, and they seem less aggressive than people from Hubeil, and less gloomy. Hunan is misty, due to its closeness to the mountains. The food is spicy, and women like the one I was dating, a little bit spicy. After I said goodbye to her, I decided to explore the city, the train was going to leave in three hours, enough time to find an old temple and draing it. That day the rain didnt stop me to go to the center of this pebbled city and draw the oldest temple, apparently this one. I did the sketch with one hand while the other handled the umbrella, at the same time many Chinese pass through looking at the crazy foreigner drawing the old temple in the middle of the rain. I will never forget that girl, neither Changsha. Capital of Hunan.

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